Another Angular quickie for today!😉 Angular introduces the Elvis operator ?. is used in templates.

CoffeeScript Developers may know this as “Existential Operator” which can easily be used to check if a variable has a value.In combination with *ngFor and *ngIf this makes a good toolbelt for rapidly building UIs within *Angular *Apps.

Elvis in tha Angular House

The official Angular documentation gives you a few examples of how to use the Elvis operator.

The good thing about the Elvis operator is that you can use it in chains like shown below:


However, that’s only half of the truth. Only in a few situations, you want to display nothing. Most of the time you want to provide a kind of fallback value. Think about an App for buying and selling stuff. It displays messages dynamically. For example either

  • Thank you for selling 100 items
  • Thank you for buying 10 items

However, what should be displayed if the action (buying or selling above) isn’t defined? You don’t want to display Thank you for 20 items. You want to provide the default value instead of nothing. So let’s start with the following HTML which still lacks the default value:

<span>Thank you for {{transaction?.operation?.caption}}
  {{transaction.items.length+1}} items

Depending on the current state, the two different messages from above will be generated:

export class MyComponent {

  public transaction: any = {
    items = [{ /* ... */ }],
    operation = { caption: 'selling'}


// output
'Thank you for selling 100 items'
export class MyComponent {

  public transaction: any = {
    items = [{ /* ... */ }],
    operation = { caption: 'buying'}


// output
'Thank you for buying 20 items'

And the already described worst-case:

export class MyComponent {
  public transaction: any = {
    items = [{ /* ... */}],
    operation = null
// generated output:
'Thank you for 20 items'

To add support for a default value, you don’t want to use ngIf. There is a more elegant way. Use the logical or || operator in conjunction with the Elvis operator to add support for default values.

Update the sample HTML to match the following:

<span>Thank you for {{transaction?.operation?.caption || 'buying' }}
  {{transaction.items.length+1}} items

I’ve created a small plnkr sample that uses the combination of *ngFor, *ngIf and ? the Elvis operator.