Tasks need to be executed repeatedly in almost every application. We all know requirements like these. Perhaps you have to clean up some tables in the database or you’ve to delete temporary files, no matter which requirement you’ve exactly, but CronJobs in Kubernetes are exactly designed for scenarios like these. Kubernetes offers CronJobs as first-class citizen objects. In the scope of Kubernetes, a CronJob should be used if you want to execute a piece of software either at a specified point in time or repeatedly at specified points in time. Technically it’s just a regular Pod with a schedule definition. You’ve to provide your schedule using the good old cron format.

If you want some nice cron string generator, go and check crontab.guru.

For demonstration purpose, we’ll use a simple .NET Core Console Application. Each time you execute the app, a new text file with a unique name will be written to an output folder. In this case, the output folder is an Azure File Share created and powered by a simple Azure Storage Account. If you follow the instructions, you’ll end up - as shown in the picture below - with a new unique file on your Azure File Share every minute.

Files create by the CronJob on Azure Files

Kubernetes prerequisites

In order to use CronJobs, the Kubernetes cluster needs to be at least on version 1.8.0. For earlier versions of Kubernetes, you have to enable batch/v2alpha1 explicitly by sending --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true to the Kubernetes API server. If you need further assistance on that task, see the official docs here.

You can easily check the version by executing kubectl version which will print both client and server version.

Azure prerequisites

Obviously, you need an Azure subscription. Once you’ve access to an Azure subscription, an Azure Storage Account is the only additional requirement here. If you’re using AKS, ensure the Storage Account is created in the same Resource Group.

# Login to Azure
az login

# Follow the instructions to authenticate

# create a new storage account
az storage account create
  --resource-group sampleresgroup
  --name mysamplestorageaccount
  --location westeurope
  --sku Standard_LRS

# read connection string for storage account and store it
CONNECTIONSTRING=$(az storage account show-connection-string
  --name mysamplestorageaccount
  --resource-group sampleresgroup
  --query 'connectionString' --output tsv)

# create a file share
az storage share create
  --name aks-cron
  --quota 2048
  --connection-string $CONNECTIONSTRING

@@ The .NET Core Application The .NET Core Console application is very simple. It’s just File->New Project->Console Application. All application code belongs to the Main method within Program.cs.

# Program.cs

static void Main(string[] args)
        var folder = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CronJobOutputFolder");
        var target = Path.Combine(folder, $"{DateTime.Now.Hour}-  

        File.WriteAllText(target, "42");
    } catch(Exception)

As you can see, the folder path for the files is read from an environment variable called CronJobOutputFolder at runtime.

The Dockerfile

For building the image, I use a standard .NET Core two-step Dockerfile. The first stage is responsible for building and second stage for running the application.

FROM microsoft/dotnet:sdk AS build-env
LABEL maintainer="Thorsten Hans<[email protected]>

COPY *.csproj ./
RUN dotnet restore
COPY . ./
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out

FROM microsoft/dotnet:runtime
COPY --from=build-env /app/out ./

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "CronSample.dll"]

Because we’re using microsoft/dotnet:runtime as the base image, the final docker image will be way smaller than sticking with the SDK image. It’s about 1.8GB compared to 220MB. Use docker build to create the image.

docker build -t somenamespace/cron-sample:latest .

Don’t forget to push the image to a container registry. For demonstration purpose, I’ll just push it to the public docker hub.

docker login
docker push somenamespace/cron-sample:latest

Kubernetes resources

Let’s get started with Kubernetes. Before we can concentrate on the CronJob, we’ve to ensure a proper integration of Azure Files. In order to do so, you need to provide Kubernetes with fundamental information required to connect to the Storage Account.


First, we need to create a Secret, the secret will be responsible for providing the Azure Storage Account Name and the required Key in order to access to the Azure File Share.

# azure-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azure-files-secret
type: Opaque
  azurestorageaccountkey: BASE_64_ENCODED_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY
  azurestorageaccountname: BASE_64_ENCODED_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME

It is essential to keep the property names as mentioned in the script above. You can encode the required strings to base64 using:

echo -n "mysamplestorageaccount" | base64

Deploy the secret to Kubernetes using kubectl apply -f azure-secret.yaml

Persistent Volume

Persistent Volumes (PV) are cluster-wide storages, normally managed and attached by administrators. PVs are top-level kubernetes resources, that said, they’re not associated with the LiveCycle of other resources like Pods or Deployments. Once created, they are available until someone removes them from the cluster.

# persistent-volume.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: azurefiles
    - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 1Gi
    secretName: azure-files-secret
    shareName: aks-cron
    readOnly: false
    namespace: default
    name: azure-fileshare

As you can see, sensible information is pulled from the azure-files-secret, the share aks-cron is referenced with readOnly set to false. claimRef represents the binding between the PV and the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) which we’ll create in a minute.

Persistent Volume Claim

In Kubernetes, a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is a request for storage. You can compare it to a regular Pod, Pods are requesting CPU and Memory whereas PVC request storage. Let’s create another yaml and request the previously created PV.

# persistent-volume-claim.yaml
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: azure-fileshare
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

Deploy both artifacts, the PV followed by the PVC

kubectl create -f persistent-volume.yaml
kubectl create -f persistent-volume-claim.yaml


Now it’s time to describe and deploy the most important thing, our CronJob. The CronJob will reuse the podspec you may already be familiar with.

# cronjob.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: hello
  schedule: "* * * * *"
            - name: samplecron
              image: somenamespace/cronjob-sample:latest
              - name: CronJobOutputFolder
                value: "/var/cron-logs"
                - mountPath: "/var/cron-logs"
                  name: volume
            - name: volume
                claimName: azurefile

As you can see within the podspec, we mount the volume to /var/cron-logsand provide this path as environment variable (CronJobOutputFolder) which we’ve used in our .NET Core app previously. The second important aspect is, of course, the cron string at spec.schedule. Form demonstrating purpose I want the CronJob to be executed every minute. Deploy the CronJob to your cluster by executing

kubectl apply -f cronjob.yaml

Now it’s the perfect time to grab a cup of coffee. Let the CronJob do its work for a couple of times.

Once back. You can either mount the share to your host using Windows Explorer and Finder or you can just use the Azure Portal. You should immediately find some logs in the file share and every minute a new one should appear.

Integrating Azure Files is fairly easy, but depending on your use-case and the number of write operations you may consider other storage options. You can also use Azure Disks in the same way, the PC specification can deal with tons of different storage services. A complete list of all currently supported storage services is available in the official kubernetes documentation.

The entire sample is also available on GitHub, go, download the code and play around.

Using external storage services is essential when building cloud-native applications. Containers can and will fail. Saving important, persistent files to the filesystem of a container should not happen in your application. That said, you should definitely be familiar with integrating services like Azure Files or Azure Disks.