The Frontend Builds article series

Welcome to the fifth part of this article series. If you didn’t read the other parts, check them out now.

The idea

Most developers frequently create new projects, either for work or for just trying something new. This is also true for me. I found myself using yeoman to create new projects almost every day automatically. There are plenty of great generators available in the wild. Just visit the yeoman website and discover the generator repository, it’s fantastic.

I’ve also built several public and internal generators to generate gulpfiles for every new project. However, if you rely on (almost) the same stack for many projects, it makes no sense to maintain all those gulpfiles for every project. This makes just no sense!

At that point I started thinking about Build as a Dependency or you may also call it Build as a Service (BaaS).

Technically we will package our existing build into an npm package and publish it on NPM, so we can quickly consume the full-fledged build directly from there and don’t have to repeat yourself for every project.

Implement the BaaS

To keep things clean, I’ve created a new repo which will only host our build scripts. You can find the new repo here.

When discovering the project, you may realize that there is no additional code in that repo. It’s just the gulpfile, and all the contents from the gulptasks directory also with its own package.json. When building this an npm package, it’s important to set main within package.json to src/gulpfile.js.

The entire build is publicly available on NPM with the name xplatform-build.

Refactoring x-note

Integrating xplatform-build in x-note is pretty simple.

First, refactor the package.json file to look like shown below.

  "name": "x-note",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "gulpfile.js",
  "author": "Thorsten Hans <[email protected]> (",
  "license": "MIT",
  "devDependencies": {
    "gulp": "^3.9.0",
    "xplatform-build": "^1.0.1"

After doing so, move to the terminal and execute

# clean all installed local modules first  (optional)
rm -rf node_modules

npm install xplatform-build --save-dev

Modify x-note

Delete the entire gulptasks directory. Then open gulpfile.js and replace the entire content with the following line of code.


Give it a try

Move to the terminal and try our gulp tasks as shown below.

# which will automatically execute gulp help

gulp build
gulp build:mobile
gulp build:desktop

That’s awesome. 😀

Updated x-note on github

You can find the version of x-note on GitHub within a dedicated BaaS branch over here.

Go ahead

.. so read the next article in the “Frontend Build” article series.