Tales and stories about Cloud-Native computing, Serverless, Containers, Azure and Kubernetes
Learn and understand how you can build plugins for Fermyon Spin by exploring the check-for-update plugin.
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we will look at pattern matching in Rust.
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we explore how to share state between multiple threads.
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to create a simple function-like macro in Rust.
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to build a simple HTTP API using the popular Actix crate.
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to implement the builder pattern for creating new instances of a custom struct
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to implement a generic stack in Rust leveraging the Rust standard library
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to retrieve the dimensions of an image (either PNG or JPEG) in Rust using the image crate
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we tale a look at building a simple TCP-Echo Server
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to implement a binary search in combination with generics and pattern matching only leveraging Rust standard library
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to read different CSV files in Rust using the csv crate
Fermyon Spin now supports using Azure Cosmos DB as key-value store for your Spin apps. This article explains how to get it up and running in no time!
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we learn how to compute a SHA256 hash of a file
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we download an image from the web and store it in a file
Weekly Rust Trivia ๐ฆ: This week, we look at how to build a vector containing all file names of a particular directory
With Fermyon Spin 1.1, Spin SDKs for Rust and GoLang come built-in routers for HTTP apps. This article demonstrates how to use the new router in Rust to layout a full-fledged HTTP API.
In this post, we will build a HTTP router in Rust using enums and pattern matching to address more sophisticated routing scenarios in single component Spin apps.
This article demonstrates how to leverage the built-in key-value store in Fermyon Spin by building an URL shortener.
This post demonstrates how to persist data in MySQL when building cloud-native applications with Fermyon Spin. Leveraging the Spin SDK for Rust.
Learn how to use sensitive and non-sensitive configuration data in Fermyon Spin. Pull secrets from HashiCorp Vault, and read configuration data from components written in Rust.
WebAssembly will change the way we architecture cloud-native applications. Start your WebAssembly journey on the server and in the cloud with Fermyon Spin
In this article, we will build a gRPC server and client from scratch using Rust and tonic
See how to check if your application runs inside of a Docker container or not. This post shows how to do it with no 3rd party deps. Samples in Go and Rust
Read how to leverage Azure Container Registry (ACR), to distribute WebAssembly (Wasm) modules as OCI artifacts.
Learn the basics of StructOpt and build tailored Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) in Rust.