GitHub Electron makes crafting cross-platform desktop applications really simple. You can take any existing website or Single Page Application (SPA) and just wrap it into a native container. Those containers (powered by Chromium and Node.js) could easily be distributed to all major desktop operating systems like Windows, macOS or Linux.

On the other side is Angular as a full-blown application framework for building robust SPAs. Angular makes building SPAs fun and provides a rich set of APIs to get everything done, inside of the client. However, sometimes you need a deeper integration. For example, you want to call into Electron’s main-process to execute some Node.js script like reading files from a directory or do some other processing using Node.js. In those cases, you could utilize Electron’s APIs.

There is an existing @types/electron package, which provides typings for TypeScript developers. But due to the fact that Electron is relying on a window.require() method, which is only available inside of Electron’s renderer process. Using those typings directly to access any of those APIs will result in tsc compilation errors. Just ask Google or StackOverflow, there are plenty of posts where developers are looking for a proper solution to get access to Electron APIs from within Angular apps.

There are some ugly workarounds how to achieve this, most of them actually don’t work. Some of the workarounds will help to get it somehow up and running. Using those workarounds results in losing all strong types provided by @types/electron.

That’s the reason why I wrote ngx-electron a small package, which wraps all the Electron API’s exposed to the renderer process into a single ElectronService. ngx-electron is a frictionless way to use Electron APIs with strong types inside of Angular apps. You can consume ngx-electron either by npm or yarn, just add it to the list of dependencies and you’re ready to go.

yarn add ngx-electron --save
# or
npm install ngx-electron --save

Once the package has been installed, it’s time to import NgxElectronModule into your AppModule as shown below.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgxElectronModule } from 'ngx-electron';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

    declarations: [],
    imports: [
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {


The ElectronService

NgxElectronModule provides the ElectronService, a simple but powerful service that could be requested from Angular Dependency Injection container.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ElectronService } from 'ngx-electron';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: 'app.html'
export class AppComponent {

    constructor(private _electronService: ElectronService) { }

    public playPingPong() {
        let pong: string = this._electronService

    public beep() {;

The API offered by ElectronService is pretty easy, it’s just exposing all APIs accessible from within the renderer process as simple getters. The following list shows all available getters exposed by ElectronService.

public get desktopCapturer(): Electron.DesktopCapturer;

public get ipcRenderer(): Electron.IpcRenderer;

public get remote(): Electron.Remote;

public get webFrame(): Electron.WebFrame;

public get clipboard(): Electron.Clipboard;

public get crashReporter(): Electron.CrashReporter;

public get process(): NodeJS.Process;

public get screen(): Electron.Screen;

public get shell(): Electron.Shell;

Note: If you’re using the ElectronService outside of the renderer process, all getters will just return null.

In addition to those instance getters, a static getter called runningInElectron is also available. You can use the getter to identify if your app is currently running inside of an Electron renderer process.

const isAnElectronApp: boolean = this._electronService.runningInElectron;

As you can see, IntelliSense is working perfectly in IDEs like WebStorm or editors like Atom.

IntelliSense for Electron’s APIs in Angular

You can find the package on npmjs and of course, all code is hosted on GitHub. If you’ve any other Electron API that’s missing in the current version, either submit a pull request or file an issue.

I hope ngx-electron will make integration of Angular and Electron APIs a bit easier for Angular developers out there. If you like the post please share it on Twitter 😜